We dream because it is enjoyable, because our body needs it, and our mind benefits from it. We dream of realizing things in another dimension that we do not know how to achieve in this one, and we dream to remedy the mistakes we may have made during the day.
We dream because we cannot do without it, because we cannot stop the beating of our hearts, the growth of our hair nor the beginning of the films that we project every night for ourselves. Wondering why we dream is like asking ourselves why we digest and why every inhale corresponds to an exhalation: we dream because it is part of our life cycle, made of our biological, spiritual and psychic life. We dream because our species is made in this way and needs to express itself in a different dimension from the material one.

As the children do

The most curious thing is that we still cannot completely consider the dream as a natural and “sensible” activity, often imagining that it is something random and bizarre. Consequently, we do very little to learn to dream well. For a child, the aspiration to walk and later, to speak, is natural, and so every child makes every effort to learn these things. A child learns to walk quickly to discover the world, and parents know that every now and then they have to go looking for the child to find them. A child who learns to talk is very proud of their ability, and those same parents are too, although on one hand they can no longer get the child to stay quiet, on the other they can console themselves with the fact that at least now if they can’t find them they can call out to them and they will answer!

Worlds unknown

No one ever commits too much time learning to dream. Indeed, as a child one dreams spontaneously, one prolongs the waking state with our dreams, one is free to move in the dreamlike dimension without feeling strange. As a child, we are growing and, therefore, learning to measure ourselves against social conventions, which over time, it seems that we gradually detach ourselves from our dreams. We lose something that we had. However, dreams continue to exist as for every human being it is an automatic thing, but over time they seem to affect us less and less, we don’t live them with awareness and sometimes we don’t even remember them!
 It can also happen that we ask ourselves strange questions like: why do we dream, and how? The answer is: because it’s natural!
Those who are used to dreaming a lot and being aware of their dreams, can teach us that there is a curious way to distinguish the dream world from the waking world. It seems though, that we are surprised and we take for granted that the dream world exists even though it is a natural complement to the waking world.

Learn to dream

Falco Tarassaco used to say that we humans learn so many things that are beautiful and important, but we neglect to learn about the dream world or even death. Learning to die, which is also the title of Falco’s first book, means knowing how to live life more serenely and prolong it even beyond its natural duration. Learning to dream, a skill to which many courses are dedicated can help us to make the life we ​​live a lot longer. Not by multiplying its duration – which would only be a quantitative increase – but by being able to guide its nocturnal phase, with the result of being able to do things that are otherwise impossible, and of making daytime life much more balanced and satisfying.

Tonight, when you go to sleep, when in the darkness of your room you will have your eyes closed, try to ask yourself to dream, to remember your dreams, to try and keep a strong impression of them. Do it tomorrow and then the day after tomorrow! It takes time to change your habits. If you do this consistently, you will find that something is changing, and you will want to learn more about the dream world. You will have started a beautiful journey of knowledge.

What curious dreams have you had recently?

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